The leaves have 15 to 25 percent protein, bulbs 12 to 15 percent. Try planting them alongside an early season offering of peas, oats, rye or clover. Turnips are a cool-season brassica that thrive in many types of soil. Varieties of rape, turnip, kale, canola and radish may be fresh in your experiences as it relates to species commonly included within brassica food plots for deer, but did you know that the brassica family also includes mustard, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts? Add to cart This is a carefully selected brassica blend that was developed to produce a maximum amount of forage. Brassica order online for curbside pickup and delivery! Their deep taproots can break up hard pan soil like a drill, leaving holes for water and roots of future plantings to penetrate. Rape is a fast growing brassica that is heat, cold and drought tolerant. riverruns Posts: 2,589. The plot was ready to plant in the Spring, and I had a dream of having a beautiful brassica crop for the Fall hunting season, with the lasting establishment of the cover crop. Industry News; Airgun Hunting; Whitetail Deer Hunting; Turkey Hunting; ... Wildlife Management / Food Plots This forum is about all wildlife management including deer, food plots, land management, … General Hunting Forums. Deer love them. Here is a run down on brassicas. So, I combined the annual brassica blend that Ed gave to me, with a perennial commercial clover blend. the special varieties of turnip, radish, kale and forage rape were chosen for their attractiveness, hardiness, cold tolerance and high levels of nutrition. Common Types of Brassicas. How To Plow Down Clover. Brassica forage production can range up to 7 to 10 tons per acre. Try establishing a pattern of use early by offering an adjacent pre-season to mid season forage to the plot, as well as adding plot sweeteners. It’s best to plant a mixed variety of these seed types to encourage a successful planting. Usage of this brassica plot will peak after the first fall frost as sugar content in the plants increase. Food plots for deer hunters by Wildlife Seed Supply provide deer hunters with a wide variety of wildlife seeds, brassicas & mixes. By planting brassicas adjacent to (same plot area) early season offerings, as well as by sweetening the plot with peas and beans, it is really hard to find a situation where the deer have ignored the planting! Brassica, greens, blockhead, booby, and just plain turnip are a few of the names that I've heard the purple top turnip called before. Option One: Plant a No-Brainer Brassica Plot © Provided by Field and Stream A pair of good bucks chow down, heads buried in a brassica plot. When a brassica leaf is the only source of green forage within a deer's diet expect heavy grazing pressure, but when other choices are plentiful the resuls may be minimal, and that includes large portions of agricultural settings. Brassica Blend Quantity. Log in; Register; Forums. Traditional food plots usually involve some chemicals, too. Tag: Brassica food plot. Dwarf Essex Rape - A forage brassica plant which is used extensively in deer food plots and for livestock grazing. A lot of hunters have been using them successfully for deer for decades while others have little to no experience planting brassicas. So, it make sense that if the deer in your area are keying on a pre-season to early-season food source on 1 side of your land, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect those same deer to move to the complete opposite side of your land to begin foraging on a late season food source. Many of the brassica food plots that I have seen rotting in the Spring, were within planting locations that included no other forage options. With forage rape, kale, tillage radish, and 3 varieties of turnips, our brassica blend has it all. Brassica Plus is a blend that will have deer craving more. Brassica Food Plots. Every successful food plot begins with a soil test. To furnish a high quality food source for post-rut bucks and pregnant does. In fact I am not sure that I have actually heard of a plot that wasn't utilized during the season by using both of those methods. In areas of light deer consumption you can expect the foraging rate to change as the population increases, and native foraging options are deminished through competition. Although the clover crop was a huge success, the brassica crop wasn't and there was a great reason: Total consumption. Food Plots Brassica Seed 5lbs plants 1 acre 4.5 out of 5 stars 67. It makes sense, right? Attract more deer to your hunting grounds with food plot … From creating more cover to adding the right forage with deer food plots, to getting whitetails to move to desired areas, veteran land manager and host of Grow ’em Big, Steve Bartylla, leaves no stone unturned when it comes to deer management and habitat improvement. This cold hardy mix will provide abundant green, leafy forage. On the other hand in low consumption areas you can learn to adjust your planting methods to match the critical period of time for deer to be feeding on your land. Brassicas, a winter treat. However if those same deer numbers are present in a heavy agricultural setting the same sized brassica planting may not be touched at all. Brassicas - Food Plot Seed for Deer Maximum . And that also extends to other varieties of food plot plantings as well! Years ago, when Toxey Haas and Grant Woods first introduced brassicas to the food plot market, rape was the primary type of brassica used. This high production makes turnips excellent for planting in small food plots. Dwarf Essex Rape is a green leafy fast growing plant that produces large flat leafs that will grow between 12 to 20 … This combination of different brassicas will keep deer coming back for more. Blows my mind! The addition of Purple Top turnip provides an attractive food source that will sustain the draw of your plot through late fall and winter after the tops are gone. That was a question I was left to ponder for the next few years before finally coming to the conclusion that my local deer herd was no different then many other deer herds across the country that just didn't follow the script of misconception. Brassicas are high quality forage if harvested before heading. They’ve taken off like wildfire because of their ease of growing, high protein content, productivity and low planting costs. It is critical that you match the timing of your habitat efforts to be available during the period of the season that whitetails are exposed to the most amount of pressure. I often think that if a doe family group could live within 10 acres of conistent adequate food and cover all year-they would! The brassica forage species in this foodplot seed blend grow in a wide variety of soil conditions. I was going as far as to uncover the greens and bulbs, setting them on top of snow to no avail; a foreign food source to them … Brassicas, a winter treat. Brassicas are all the rage, but at least on my properties, I can’t get the deer to eat them…even after 4 years. Dwarf Essex Rape - A forage brassica plant which is used extensively in deer food plots and for livestock grazing. That call from Ed Spinnazola in 1999 seems like a very long time ago when I think of the 100s of brassica food plots for myself and my clients between then, and now. It often works best mixed with other brassicas. Spend the extra time necessary to properly prepare the soil by plowing, smoothing and firming the ground. We don’t use the ordinary turnips you can get at the local feed mills. This mix everyone raves about it is about as fool proof as can be, and anyone can start growing brassicas that get eaten right away. Todd Amenrud, my favorite “food plot dude” of the north had this to say about his experience early on with brassicas, “Deer may react differently to brassicas in different areas. I would guess that if your habitat and hunting needs are like mine, than November is your #1 time for deer to be heavily attracted and holding on your land. Bradley Seed Brand Food Plot Brassica Seed Blend is fast growing. Tag: Brassica food plot. Brassica has a excellent regrowth for multiple grazing, Brassica has a excellent regrowth for multiple grazing, continues to grow during the fall and early winter Pasja Hybrid Brassica can be ready to graze in about 42-65 days it is great to add to any deer food plot mix Brassica mixture is an excellent source of nourishment for deer and other wildlife. Initially used for cover crops, soil conservation and forage for domestic animals, brassicas were popularized for deer food plots by Biologic, which imports varieties from New Zealand where deer are raised commercially. If the area has more shade, plant the clover. I had a discussion with someone yesterday that planted turnips this past week and It inspired this blog topic. If the location gets around ½ day of full sunlight, plant the brassica/radish/winter wheat mix. Quick to emerge and easy to grow. By spending just a couple of minutes within the seed isle at your favorite hunting supply retailer, you will find many of the species I have mentioned on seed labels by only walking a few feet. Depending on the parcel (even neighboring parcels can vary greatly) the rate of foraging on a brassica planting can vary from "nothing left on the ground within a month of planting" to "rotting bulbs and greens in the Spring". It may take a little adjustment in your planting methods, but for the vast majority of landowners, hitting that sweet spot of "critical need" is there for the taking by planting a brassica food plot. VP Brassica Blend is a blend of kale, rape, turnips, and radishes. The addition of Purple Top turnip provides an attractive food source that will sustain the draw of your plot through late fall and winter after the tops are gone. The roots of the turnips and radishes will also be browsed and is a good food source for deer throughout late fall and winter. Rape becomes more attractive to deer after a frost because the sugar content will become more concentrated. Every variety of food plot forage has an optimum targeted window of potential deer usage that is typically 6-8 weeks or less, including a few of the common varieties of clover (early to mid-season), corn (mid to late-season), soybeans (pre-season and late), cereal grains (early-season, mid, and Spring) and brassicas (mid to late-season). *Are the deer not foraging until late December? Sound extreme? wvlongshot. Bradley Seed Brand Food Plot Brassica Seed Blend is fast growing. Usage of this brassica plot will peak after the first fall frost as sugar content in the plants increase. There was no frost, a deer population of less than 15 per square mile and this is key: There were no quality forages within 20 miles! It gives one a lot of top growth and can grow as tall as 4' tall. Planting brassica food plots does not have to be very hard. They make great cover crops that reduce erosion, moisture loss and pollution, while rebuilding the soil’s fertility and productivity. VIEWS. Feeding deer when the cold arrives and the snow flies is just what our brassica blend does. If you are located within a wilderness settings you may need a brassica food plot of several acres or more to combat the intense grazing pressure that you will experience...whether you have low deer numbers or not! Ed Spinnazola was and still is, widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable food plot planting specialist. Each of these seed types will germinate in less than ideal conditions, but one might be better than another based on site conditions. That may change. Mature buck hunting, herd and habitat techniques. Turnips are typically used for wildlife food plots and pasture forage. Brassicas - Food Plot Seed for Deer Its no secret at Biologic, we love brassicas. Brassica Blend is a mixture of fast growing brassicas that produces a lush forage to attract and hold deer to your plots from mid- to late-fall. Also, if the soil tends to be moist and saturated throughout the year, you’ll want to plant a clover mix as it can tolerate the wetter conditions. Food Plot Brassica Blend 1. Brassicas vary in maturities from 6 weeks to 20 weeks to reach maturity. With forage rape, kale, tillage radish, and 3 varieties of turnips, our brassica blend has it all. Runner-up: Turnips. Let’s take a deeper look at the importance of Brassicas to your food plot program and why they’re one of the most common and most attractive Fall Hunt Plots: I am not even convinced the "first frost date" is even within the middle of the range of potential foraging dates; a range that can literally vary by as many as 7 months from parcel to parcel. Brassica Food Plot update. We don’t use the ordinary turnips you can get at the local feed mills. Palatability is fair-to-good early on, and excellent after frosts convert starches in the leaves to sugars. When it comes to yield, attractiveness and nutritional value, Maximum is the absolute best annual forage... Winter Bulbs & Beets . You can imagine my ackward expression when an older gentleman struck up a conversation at one of the deer shows that I was exhibiting my food plot equipment at when he mentioned that he planted his entire fall food plot with boobies this year and the deer didn't touch a … Shed Hunting Tips. 198. Do deer have a hard time "adjusting" to your brassica plantings? Brassica forage production can range up to 7 to 10 tons per acre. A fertilized stand of turnips can grow over 2 feet tall, but make sure you plant enough. Quantity must be 1 or more. You should always offer diverse food plots with something other than just a brassica combination, and that applies to corn, beans, rye, wheat and just about any other food plot forage that you expect deer to utilize during the hunting season. Velvet Scouting Deer. These plants produce such a large bulb in some cases we see disease live in the residue each year. 3 min read 0. Food plots for deer hunters by Wildlife Seed Supply provide deer hunters with a wide variety of wildlife seeds, brassicas & mixes. I must admit, it was frustrating to spend time and money establishing these plots for several years to watch them go nearly untouched. Beeg. We understand that not every plot is the same. Our proprietary brassica seeds have been engineered to create vast amounts of quality forage when whitetails need it most. Brassica Blend Food Plot Mix. In some cases you could even make an arguement in various agricultural settings that if deer ignore a brassica food plot the deer numbers may be too low, but of course there are many other variables that we are discussing here. The brassica family of whitetail food plot forages may just be the most can't miss and important planting for your annual whitetail goals, every single season. If that isn't enough, add 25#s of soybeans drilled into your brassica planting, as well as 25-50#s of forage peas. Kale: This brassica is more expensive than rape, but its tender, lettuce-like leaves rate higher for taste appeal. Feeding deer when the cold arrives and the snow flies is just what our brassica blend does. I have a luscious brassica food plot and they are eating dry soybean stems!! May is a really cool time for deer in the whitetail woods, but often there is typically an overabundance of quality food during the month and fat young bucks in May, get killed in November if they aren't attracted on held safely. Protein content? Why? Two of my other brassicas plots that I did in July are Still about 8 inches high. This deer food plot mix produces a lush forage to attract deer during the fall, winter and early spring.