Whatever your situation, specific needs, or background, we can help you understand what types of services are available - from services that help you live independently at home to short-term care that helps you get back on your feet, to moving into an aged care home when you can no longer live at home. When a third party supplies or funds the modification, best practice requires an OT assessment for appropriate recommendation and justification of item. Is Home Care in Western Australia Different? Or you can apply online. My Aged Care will organise the assessment with an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) staff member. From 1 July, My Aged Care will introduce a central, streamlined pathway for assessment and referrals into aged care services for people aged over 65. Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or use their website www.myagedcare.gov.au What should a service provider expect from me? Is there a supplement in Home Care for Entheral Feeding? This manual is for Regional Assessment Services (RAS) and Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT). Depending on the level of service you need, you may get to choose between a number of local providers who operate near you. An ACAT assessment (aged care assessment) is an assessment organised by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT, or ACAS in Victoria) and is required for a person who needs to be approved for Government-funded services including; a nursing home (aged care home), home care, residential aged care, transition care or respite care. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or receive news or notifications by email. Can I be involved in managing my package? The app allows functionality from the My Aged Care assessor portal to be available on the mobile device, allowing the assessor to capture important client details, perform an assessment using an electronic version of the National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF) and create a preliminary Support Plan. Handy Hint - Did you know that if you can click the CC at the bottom righthand side while the video is playing, captions will appear. You do not need an ACAT assessment for aged care services that are not funded by the Federal Government. How will the My Aged Care Assessment Service help you? Please tell your clients to fill out the Aged Care Calculation of your cost of care form online and print, sign and send it. My Aged Care – myAssessor App User Guide If using a Home Care Package, then you are required to have a Home Care Provider. What should I know about the Home Care Agreement? q� � [Content_Types].xml �(� ĖMo�@����^+X'�PU�Ц�6R]��5;���v�I����(M��%(Kx��yg`л���Mr� �rr�-H��\�*'?�_ӏ$q�g�V��8r�z�j��p��V. Can I top up services or get additional services? Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address. Usually only one member of the ACAT team will visit you for the assessment, which takes place wherever you are. Assessment for Aged Care Information about aged care assessments for aged care providers. What are the different Package Provider cost components? Is there a supplement in Home Care for Hardship? You can call our friendly and knowledgeable contact centre staff to talk about your needs on 1800 200 422 . What you can expect from a Service Provider. Is there a supplement in Home Care for Dementia and Cognition. Get monthly news on the ageing journey as well as industry updates that could impact you and your family, This website is published by DoComeMonday Media, Licensed to agedcare101 Pty Ltd ABN 46 305 734 602, Unit 18 Waterview Wharf Workshops, 37 Nicholson Street, Balmain East, NSW, 2041 Australia. Aged care assessors can use this app to conduct assessments when there is no internet access. How does the fee collection work for Home Care Packages? The assessment identifies eligibility and approvals for packages of care to assist the person to remain in his/her own home or for respite or permanent care in a residential facility. Understanding Package and Service Providers. My Aged Care will register the person’s details and ask them a series of questions to help identify their needs and circumstances such as: Handy Hint - Did you know that if you can click the CC at the bottom righthand side while the video is playing, captions will appear. Nunc id mauris faucibus. Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes and underscores. If you are not satisfied with the results of your ACAT assessment, you can make a complaint through my aged care. What rights & responsibilities do I have? You can fill it out on your device, or … It guides assessors on using good practices in the assessment of older people’s support needs and their eligibility for Australian Government–subsidised aged care services. It will list the services you have been approved for and any conditions they come with, and the reasons for this decision. If you would like an ACAS assessment you need to call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800200422. You are now logged in. How to access an assessment. Alternatively your social worker, doctor or other health professional can do this for you. They will register you with My Aged Care and ask you a range of questions in order to understand your needs and eligibility for an assessment. You can call our friendly and knowledgeable contact centre staff to talk about your needs on 1800 200 422. The My Aged Care system and process overview wheel helps Aged Care Assessment Teams and the Regional Assessment Service carry out their role in My Aged Care. However, most nursing homes (aged care homes) are government-subsidised so you will still need an ACAT assessment. It can take up to six weeks to get an ACAT assessment depending on how urgent your situation is. My Aged Care (MAC) will organise a referral for a local assessor to contact you. Can I make a complaint about the ACAT assessment? My Aged Care incorporates a website and phone-based screening process conducted by the My Aged Care contact centre. The first step to access government-funded aged care services is to check your eligibility for a face-to-face assessment. An ACAT assessment is a requirement for many Commonwealth funded programs that support people to live at home or access residential care and/ or residential respite. �e��sZ�9r���1��K�2����X�Q���؈���?����ީM���#4�H�w����~2]��* �0�2�d�_�8�H�S��)�K3 h�Wv6�N��>,�徲���Q�@�f��ٴ�س �:�*�0$+B��D� -EB��J��d鳞�/����+}K��k����)}��H�=��F�|4����/��(����I�nKa̻�뫐�u�c�������w�Wp� �>,��N�D�RQ^4�+�aՈk�ڈ�V�^g;ԙ����Do�kw>�>T�Q�yX��sW'��u!-���Ba�/. What is the Community Visitors Scheme (CVS)? A referral to My Aged Care will trigger the process for you to be assessed for Commonwealth subsidised services and support. t+;/ �9 word/_rels/document.xml.rels �(� �[ks�6��3�&A