June 22, 2006 9:02 PM Subscribe. We are not sure what can be the reason behind such reverse behavior. I don’t know what to make of his actions towards me. She seems to enjoy those but still gets upset with me. Do you have a good relationship with your cat, but then all of a sudden they start to hate you and act like you ate their firstborn or something? Hello, Hissing or biting when you try to rub a belly or other sensitive body part. I do believe it’s to do with the adoption of her sister, but I also think there’s plenty that can be done to set the situation straight! Did you move? Any and all advice would be very appreciated, thank you! About a week later, when we went to take her with us, she’s been very hostile toward us. She will, however, go visit other people in my apartment complex who she is very friendly with and let’s cradle her etc. Try copying the way your girlfriend pets her, maybe even sprinkling some catnip on your pants to make her stop associating your feet as a place she should be doing anything but nuzzling into. The hits in my household are ridiculously affordable: cat springs, ball track toys, & kick sticks. While this is typically hard to do, toys like these that allow cats to play by themselves make the job one heck of a lot easier. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases; learn more here. About 2 months ago he started acting weird towards me, shunning me and spending most of his time in my roommate’s room. Over time, it’s completely possible to get your cat to be more snuggly, to scratch much less if at all on furniture you don’t want scratched, and your cat may even come around when it comes to being pet on his or her tummy. Hi! She may just hate her box itself. I have two cats in my household, an almost two year old cat named Tonya and a kitten who is seven months named Sasha. I did my own research and believed she may be bored and then overstimulated so I got her many many toys and lots of catnip. The first step is a thorough checkup by your veterinarian. Yes, I did care about her and would not have gotten her otherwise. Her favorite place to sit is on the couch and when I come near her to sit on the couch with her she will stand up and flick her tail and meow. ... My cat is not secretly plotting to kill me. Try interacting with her mostly only while your girlfriend is present for a while. So I have two cats both I got from the same animal shelter. Currently : 1. Quite frankly, if she and the kitten eventually get along very well, the next time you have to leave, she’s much less likely to feel betrayed and alone, because she’ll have someone there she’s happy and comfortable with always – the new kitten. Does anyone have any advice for dealing with a PTSD kitty? If I try to touch him, he walks away immediately and meows very loudly. My gf and I just adopted a young female cat from my friend. Then I find they go through a weird “teenager” phase where they aren’t fans of being cuddled, and then it takes them a little while (sometimes 6 months to a year or so) to get back to their normal cuddly selves. The vet can usually look at any physical aspects, and chances are, they also might have some other means to help them mentally as well. But again – if she bonds to that kitten it could really help her out with not feeling a sense of abandonment in the long run. January 6, 2018 by Elise Xavier | Updated: July 21, 2020 - 68 Comments. You have the simplest and easiest fixes of them all. Will come back to this comment to publish the link once the article is live. We call her Svetty-Girl. He’ll join me for playtime for a little bit, but then walk away, leaving my other cat to play with me. I started to think maybe I wasnt taking him out enough and found myself taking him out for half hour walks multiple times a week to appease him wanting my happy kitty back. They have strange learning behaviors, and if you think your cat suddenly hates you, it could just be a cat acting “normal” but they don’t act that way usually. Also, when I enter a room that she is in (such as mine) she will growl and hiss and then proceed to either attack my feet or hide from me. She has been moved 3 times in the past two months and he had to give her to me because she fought with other cats and they fought with her. Even at times when I don’t try to pet her she will meow agitated at me after rubbing up against me. I don’t know what to do. If you’ve ever wondered why the heck your cat does this, remember, although your cat knows exactly where their next meal is coming from, they are still wild at heart. He rarely does this with me anymore and has decided he prefers to be on my husband. When I sit on the couch, he comes up and bites me. If I can’t get this cat more comfortable with me, I’m worried about moving to the next stage of introductions where he actually meets the other cat. Please help. Also try adding as many cat toys kitties can play with by themselves to your cat’s environment, and again, upping play times. This has NEVER happened to me before & I don't know what to do. The happier you are with your cat’s behaviour, the happier and less stressed your cat is likely to be, and the happier the household is as a whole. . Why does my cat hate me all of a sudden hate me? So a couple days ago my amazon parrot just out of the blue started screeching at me as soon as I uncovered him in the morning. Any advice would be appreciated. The best way to check this one out is to do the following: This is a big one, and you should always take your cat to the vet if you notice a sudden hatred from them. Based on what you said, I feel she might have felt a little betrayed by the fact that you left her for so long. Then, she would always wait for me in bed to sleep through the night together. rest assured that you aren't the only pet parent who has these concerns. However, following our return, he has reverted to hiding in and urinating outside his litter-box and has started hissing and growling at BOTH my girlfriend and I. Obviously, not every cat will ignore his or her owner when called, will viciously scratch up furniture, and will dislike being pet on his or her belly. Let me know how things go! They are too used to having things their own way. Read all of vetstreet.com's why does my... cat articles and videos here. Sometimes, sudden aggression could mean they’re in pain or ill. I think she was inbred and/or traumatized by being caught as a Ferrel and she never recovered. But I did mess up and the first time I ever went over there I went straight to the cat and I guess it made a bad impression. Only becoming excited when food is involved. At times where Leela is likely to be stressed (for my Avery it’s before feeding times), separate the cats to lessen Leela’s negative emotions being “taken out on” or transferred to her feelings about Stevie. I have had my cat for 5 years now & have had cats all my life. He loves shoe boxes so I've made several for him. weird loud sound I never heard him do. Thank you so much for this advice, I think I now know why my cat has been constantly ignoring me and giving most of her affection to my roommate instead of me. If you provide your cat with brief reassurance, she will typically be fine. Please if anybody else has advice for Brooke, leave a reply! I’m convinced every cat can get better at what you’d like him or her to do, even if he or she will never behave exactly the way you’d like. Today is November 22 2018 and my cat was born around the middle of May this year. I’ve known them since they were kittens. Cats hate change, probably more than a human ever would. The Humane Society says that cats have a wide variety of vocalizations that they use for communicating, both with other cats and with humans. If you notice your cat acting strange or suddenly hates you, then chances are it’s what you smell like. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. My cat runs from me all of a sudden when eating. We haven’t had the cats meet yet. Spoil her with things she loves – toys, playtime, special treats, if she’s okay with it, cuddles, etc. Be the only one who feeds her, pet her while feeding her, play with her with the kind of toys she likes, give her treats when she’s not expecting it while simultaneously talking positively to her and petting her (to make sure she doesn’t become overweight with this tip, feed her kibble as treats and use this technique to prevent overfeeding); make an effort to show her you love her to bits every chance you get. However, things have gone downhill drastically since the end of October. The only thing I can suggest is maybe if you just leave him alone when he does this and don't take any notice of it, just keep acting like everything is normal. I’m tired of bandaging my wounds, and I’m emotionally hurt every time the cat bites and scratches me with no provocation. Right away, he wanted to sleep next to me. The issue already drags up to 1 month. The best thing I can come up with is that they're jealous of new friends you may have made or that you're leaving them behind. Plus I have been playing with her with a stick toy. It’s completely possible that she was abused by a man, I think I’ve heard stories of cats hating all men or all women if they have been abused by someone of that gender in the past. As a reminder, some cats tend to hiss as well when they want to be left alone, so don’t take it personally if they do. There’s a lot in there that should be easy to implement. Cats are not the easiest creatures to read. Rugger is normally a very very affectionate, lovey cat but last night he attacked me. am i overthinking this? Well, there really was no severe changes, except when she was nice after I got another cat, then peeing and stopping all contact. Try to increase the amount of positive time they spend together, so if they are able to eat meals in the same room, or have snacks in each others’ presence, or play together, that’s amazing and increase the frequency of that kind of thing happening. She had a fit when I tried to put a callar on her and I had t pick her up by the tail because that was the only way I could get free of her before she bit me. She sleeps wherever she wants, does whatever she wants and gets cuddles and belly rubs whenever she wants. When I try petting it either tries biting or scratches me. If so, what’s wrong needs to be identified and then remedied. First, cats are solitary by nature. Hope this helps, and do keep me updated on how he’s doing! Cat behaving in a “normal” cat way, but you’d prefer it if your cat was less anti-social and/or more well behaved? This cat was so loving to me before she came here, and now I genuinely feel she hates me. The one has always been loving and was cheerful even through the move. She sounds like she really does like you and care for you, but maybe that she gets sudden onset of feeling unwell or it maybe even hurts when she’s touched? I adopted a cat over 6 months ago. he still doesnt like me like he used to. If she’s upset at you while playing, you should quickly look up a guide or two on Youtube about how to play with cats (I unfortunately don’t have an article on that topic yet, but many people don’t find this intuitive since they’re really picky about how they’re played with). Hi I have problem with my 5,5 year old female cat. It’s really hard when you’re doing whatever you can think of to remedy the situation and nothing seems to be working. She attacks me and hisses at me occainsionally. Why Would My Cat Hate Me? Time to start training! Your cat needs to learn the new lay of the land. Thank you for your post and taking the time to help us cat owners. He does not sleep this way all night anymore with either of us. I’m having a hard time with my 4 year old cat accepting a kitten into the home. So now I have her. Imagine having a massive problem – with your health, with a lack of exercise, with way too much boredom, or whatever else the problem may be – that is completely out of your control and you personally cannot fix. She hisses, she scratches me, she hides from me… absolutely breaks my heart. I am a teacher working long hours and I live in a remote village in Alaska, so when I have to go somewhere, I literally leave the village. Give him some more time; he may still be in recovery psychologically from all that change and what seems like a hard part of his life. It’s their way of telling them to back off or they’ll be forced to attack – cats characteristically want to avoid confrontation at all costs, so think of this as a warning shot. Experiment with the type of litter you put in the litter box. It’s important you find out what that is and take steps to fix it. Hi Jessica! What my cat does doesn’t seem to fit any of this. Posts by: Dr. Mike Paul, DVM. If she’s upset at you while you’re petting her, do your best to figure out which ways she is okay with you touching her in, then stick to just petting her in those ways. I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend and my boyfriend and kitten have always gotten along. But, every night that I came home, she would purr with excitement and played with me until she was tired. Required fields are marked *. Rather, I think negative behaviours can become the norm when a cat’s needs are somehow being misunderstood or going unmet. Now I just say no to the behavior or spray with a water bottle. Back then it was the only way she would eat, so it became a habit. And also stopped letting us to cuddle her or groom sometimes. ), then if she’s happy to stay in there, keep her in her safe room with the door shut, and only interact with her in there, until she starts asking to come out. So it’s not all bad, just a bit of a tricky situation. Does your mom hate you? Observe how the “favourite” person picks up, pets, speaks to, and just in general interacts with this cat and do your best to interact with the cat in exactly the same way. Just fill in the form below and hit "Subscribe"! In the meantime, hang in there and keep looking for anything that could signal what’s up with her so you can fix up the problem. The problem is now she seems to hate me and only me she acts the same towards my girlfriend it seems. Figured I might as well blog about 'em. Why Does My Cat Hate Me? She likes to be petted but only for as long as she says so… She seeks me out when hungry or thirsty, lays around in the same room as I am, usually near my feet or on the back of the couch. He just kept getting more and more anxious to go out though and was running laps around the house. I’ve made peace with that, but when she gets extra rebellious I have to question if something is wrong. Why is My Cat Being So Affectionate All of a Sudden? We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Why does my cat all of a sudden attack me? My brother who has a pet blog over at PetsOverload.com has a cat (Beau) who’s got a really high need for attention and used to suffer from pretty bad separation anxiety. As I’ve stated many times in this article, identify and resolve the issue behind your cat’s negative behaviour and your cat will be well on his or her way to liking you again. She is a Siamese short hair. She loves my husband very much, but even he can’t pet her for too long. for some cats to really be fully used to new cats in their lives, so I think it’s too early to worry that he’s a one-man cat. Also, see if there’s a way that the others in the household are holding or touching her that you’re not, mimic their behaviour with her because maybe there’s something in the way they do things that she prefers? just need some closure because I’m really Confused. My husband and I rescued a beautiful Maine Coon who had been abandoned. She had her period on and off for the past few months and has now stopped again. We made proper introduction by separating them and slowly letting them to know each other. Cats really hate and are nervous around loud noises in general, and do begin to associate negative emotions with places sometimes if they’re stressed out a lot due to noises and such in those spaces. You may also want to switch to high-intensity cat exercise toys, as, while many cat toys help cats stay mentally active, some do a much better job than others at helping them release their energy. Take your cat to the vet and have him or her checked out. Wish there was a way to know our cats’ stories! I decided at that point the only choice was to keep him inside until at least this behavior stopped because i live in a condo where indoor/ outdoor cat is not an option. Usually he's dying to get on my shoulder and always wants to be with me. just bites me enough to leave an imprint. I know you’re likely doing this already, but basically, go full blast and do it as much and often as you can. So over the last month or so I started leash training my one 3 year old cat who used to be so cuddly and lovey and just love for me to love all over him. Newt climbs up the stairs to see Charlie all the time, clearly he wants to be buddies with Charlie. Your cat may dislike a change in his or her environment. I’m Not Happy About It, But I Hate My Cat: What Can I Do? There are a couple of things that you can do, and you’ll want to definitely apply these since it can help with the relationship: This is really just trial and error, and if you notice that they’re mad about something petty, but then they have a personality change the second you stop doing that, it could be that. Again, he’s almost 8, been with me for 7, had my other cat for 4 years so that’s not a new thing, roommate’s been here a year, no new furniture or major changes to the apartment. Then Charlie starts growling and hissing, they attack each other. What kind of constant companion willingly tunes you out? Some of the most common causes of fear or stress in the life of a cat include new pets in the home, too many pets in the home, sudden movements, sneaking up on them, loud noises, harsh treatment or unfair punishment, being put in a cat carrier, riding in a vehicle, lack of resources (food, water, toys, scratching post), a change in routine or no routine at all. Try getting them to interact with her at the same time as you. Methinks my cat is jealous because I’ve been focusing a lot on my other cat lately due to him being slightly ill. Have You ever stuck with this thought in your head? Enough that makes me and my partner uncomfortable. Again, cats can’t communicate, so you need to be mindful of this. This is a big one, and you should always take your cat to the vet if you notice a sudden hatred from them. Why Does My Cat Keep Showing Me It’s Butt? Hi, I’ve had my cat Walter for almost 7 years now. The truth is, she will almost certainly go back to her normal behaviour with a lot of positive attention and affection her way, but it will likely take time. Moving to a new home is overwhelming for cats. She is naturally not the most cuddly and lovey cat but usually enjoys to be pet to a certain extent and comes when I call her. It has been better in the last 24 hours but I feel like he is warming up to everyone but me. What Does It Mean When a Cat Shows You Its Belly? It growls and hisses at me daily whether I tried to play with it pet it or what not. From time to time, dogs and cats may appear distant, but that doesn't mean you can't bond with your furry friend and certainly doesn't mean your pet hates you. Sounds like you are already doing quite a lot in terms of helping her adjust, so I completely empathize. We’ve left the cover off of her litter box and (fingers crossed) she hasn’t gone on the bed since. All of a sudden there’s furniture, clothes and other belongings that have an unfamiliar scent being hauled into the house. When I came back she did not even respond to her name when I said.