You have two sets of teeth. But like us, a dog’s teeth can be categorized into four types: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Elephants have four sets of teeth in their lifetime. Both groups use their back teeth to crush food before swallowing. Both are omnivorous, meaning they eat all kinds of food, including meats, grains, fruits and vegetables. For the most part, mammals share similarities with humans when it comes to their teeth. Dog’s teeth differ so much in appearance and structure compared to ours. Primates and humans are both mammals, have the ability to walk upright and have opposable thumbs. Human is an omnivore who eats both animal as well as the plant materials. These are the teeth that grow in between the ages of 6 and12. Humans are omnivores, yes we have the same type of teeth as the Great Apes. The main difference between cow and human digestive system is that cow exhibits a foregut fermenter digestion whereas human exhibits a simple monogastric digestion . Humans have developed different types of teeth to perform different functions when we eat. You start with 20 primary teeth and end with 32 permanent teeth, including the four wisdom teeth. People and animal teeth have the same basic make up, although the shape and positioning may vary by species. This worksheet helps to further delineate the differences between classes of animals such as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, whilst teaching your child the different functions that each of their own teeth performs. Each tooth is designed for a specific role in processing the food eaten. Their tusks are the longest teeth in the world. The second set are called permanent teeth. Here are some fun facts comparing human teeth and animal teeth we thought you might enjoy, courtesy of the American Student Dental Association! All vertebrates have teeth – that means any animal including humans that have backbones. Some dolphins have over 200 teeth. Introduction: Man is supposed to have descended directly from the animal kingdom by means of the same processes involving the same evolutionary factors which caused animals to evolve. What do all the different teeth do? As with humans, you can tell an ape’s age by looking at its teeth, says Erin Stromberg, primate keeper at the Smithsonian National Zoo. Lets look at Gorillas, they may not hunt or eat red meat, but they eat insects (animals) as part of their diet. Giraffes have 32 teeth, just like humans. Specifically with the inclusion of: canines, incisors, premolars and molars, although of course it depends on whether the animal in question is herbivore or carnivore: the same tooth is not used to gnaw berries, leaves and roots, than to tear meat and/or break bones. This article is misleading. Poisonous snakes have hollow fangs which eject poison. Animals’ teeth also give us clues about what they eat. The digestive system of cow and human comprises teeth, mouth, esophagus , stomach, small and large intestine . Emily notes that with the exception of humans, all primates have those long canines. Dolphins have more teeth than any other animal. The Great Apes are omnivores, they eat animals. Interestingly though, we humans share similar dental features with our furry buddies.. Human teeth vs. Dog teeth Dogs have 42 teeth in total, which is 10 times more than the number of teeth humans have. Animals with teeth like humans that use their molars for grinding and their incisors and canines for ripping or tearing are said to have heterodont dentition. When eating, primates use their teeth similarly to the way humans do. The first is called primary and grows in by the age of 2. -- Humans form two sets of teeth over the course of a lifetime, with baby teeth being replaced by adult teeth between the ages of 6 and 12.