Bought my high five duo two weeks ago and have had nothing but trouble, within the first week of usage I kept getting an “overheat error” and so I cleaned the device as described in the manual, only for it to work for 2 days, and then the battery just quit working. "all_tags": "All products", "password_link": "Enter using password", "last_name": "Last Name", Dismiss. Of course, you can tune it off too. "update": "Update Address", Also, unline other vape rigs, you can use the DUO while you are charging it. "message": "Message", "email_placeholder": "Email address", }, "sku": "SKU", This reason alone is enough for advanced users to rush and invest their money. "upsell_checkout_btn": "Checkout", "submit": "Submit", Choose Options. "pagination": { "wishlist_cart_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has been added to shopping cart", Reviews 2. "empty_continue_html": "Click here to continue shopping. The stainless steel airway path and the atty have a unique design that prevents atomizer failure, sticky components, and residue buildup. * UNUSED only. All price matches will be … The separate adapter is sold on our online smoke shop. "actions": "Actions", "password_confirm": "Confirm Password", } The Yocan Hive Wax Atomizers feature 100% quartz crystal and are made from medical grade materials. "responsive": { "sections": { "log_in": "Log in", } "shipping_text": "Free UK Delivery on orders over £ 100", *Tip: You will need to bump up the temperature for Quartz bowl* High Five designed the Duo’s atomizer to be advanced, reliable, and durable. "share_on_facebook": "Share", "create_account": "Create account", }, "black": "Black", "created_ascending": "Date, old to new" ", Fast USB-C charging and the pass through charging feature allows the device to be simultaneously charged and used while maintaining all functionality. The High 5 DUO E-Rig takes the fast charging USB-C, so it charges quickly. The lights are and colors are customizable with 11 options so you can adjust and set up any colors and brightness you want. ", "checkout_text": "Secured and trusted checkout with", You can check out Shopify’s ecommerce blog for inspiration and advice for your own store and blog. ", "top_header_register": "Register", "cart": { "768": { "items": 4} "read_more": "Read more", }, "blog_author": "Author name", "deal_days": "Days", "message": "Message", "map": { High Five DUO is one of the best electric dab rigs on the market. Just fill in the form below." "address2": "Address2", The DUO is composed of Food & Medical Grade materials/components. "features": "Features", "password_confirm": "Confirm Password", "comparing_box": "Comparing box", ", WARNING: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NICOTINE. "placeholder": "Search", "wishlist_exist_msg": "[[ product_title ]] is exist in wishlist", "confirmation": "Thanks for subscribing", The High Five DUO eRig provides a larger sized 16mm bowl made for heavy users. HIGH5® designs, develops and manufactures various products and tools for vaporizing. "fulfillment_status": "Fulfillment Status", "price": "Price", }, ", "upsell_product_page_title": "You may also like these products", "month_day_year": "%B %d, %Y" photo credit. The High Five DUO rig is the first to have color and light options as decoration. Subscribe To Our Mailing List","fr":"Rejoignez-nous. "edit_address": "Edit address", "quantity": "Quantity", "size": "Size", "accessibility": { "price_descending": "Price, high to low", Write Your Own Review. "empty_page_title": "Shopping Cart is Empty", The DUO features a large capacity 16mm bowl capable of satisfying experienced users. } The Duo-Tape® configuration is the most popular of all our flexible elements. "add_to_review": "Add to review", High Five Duo $ 299.95 The DUO is composed of Food & Medical Grade materials/components. Experience the performance of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go. HOURS "opening_soon": "Opening Soon", Tweet; Pin It; Add to Cart Description. "date": "Date", "sidebar_btn": "Filter by" "share_on_twitter": "Tweet", Rating: 97 % of 100. Each High Five Duo Vape comes with both the Quartz and Titanium Large 16mm Bowls. "price": "Price", Once you're registered with our store, you'll have the opportunity to take part in all of the exciting ways we currently offer to earn points! Good news for both flower and concentrate lovers — High Five Duo can handle dry herbs as well as e-juice. "password": "Password", "general": { Availability: "share_on_pinterest": "Share on Pinterest", "disabled": "Disabled", "tax": "Tax", "cart": { "pause_slideshow": "Pause slideshow", "title_ascending": "Alphabetically, A-Z", High Five - Duo Vape $ 299.99 . "tags": "Tagged \"[[ tags ]]\"", "required": "Required", ", "menu": { "login": { $160.00. "footer": { }, The wax atomizer and the titanium and quartz bowls are included in the DUO kit, so it is ready to dab after you get your new device. Experience the performance of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go. It is your own responsibility to know your state and local laws regarding the possession and use of tobacco pipes and accessories. "comments": { "home": "Home", It’s an eRig that can vaporize both wax concentrates and botanical plant matter which makes it a valuable addition to your vaping arsenal and makes a befitting device for both wax concentrate and dry herb fans. "guest_continue": "Continue" Customize each session according to your own preference, the LED display allows you to adjust and set your ideal temperature and control the duration of each session with the touch of a button. High Five - Duo Vape $ 299.99 . A testament to Yocan’s cost-effective and high-quality collection of replacement parts. You're reviewing: DUO This dual purpose concentrate & flower vaporizer is the best rig available, designed from the ground up without sacrificing quality or reliability. "posted_in": "Posted in", Experience the performance of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go. "update": "Update", Browse our catalog and order online or come in to see everything in our Salt Lake City, Utah store. "create_account": "Create account", "grid": "Grid", The battery pack is bigger than others, so you can have more dab sessions with one full charge. }, Our current product range includes torches, e-nails, and portable electronic vaporizers. The airway path is made of stainless steel and is medical-grade and food-grade. Magna Carta Dry Herb Atomizer. "items_count": { "general": { "details": "Details", HURRY! "green": "Green", Availability: "remaining_html": "[[ balance ]] left", "print": "Print this gift card", "other": "[[ count ]] products" "submit": "Submit", "qty_decrease": "Decrease", The Yocan Hive Wax Atomizers are one of these replaceable pieces that easily connects and disconnects to the vaporizer by way of magnetic connection. High Five Duo Accessories. Home High Five - Duo Vape. }, "quantity": "Quantity", Quality, Reliability & Functionality without sacrifice. }, "other": "[[ count ]] results for \"[[ terms ]]\"" "toggle": "expand\/collapse", "password": "Password", "add_to_cart": "Add to cart", Monday - Saturday 9AM to 10PM "share_on_twitter": "Tweet on Twitter", HIGH5 - High Five XLR Heater Coil Adapter. "one": "[[ count ]] comment", "play_slideshow": "Play slideshow", "filters": { Create one here", "view_and_edit_cart": "View and edit cart", "telephone": "Telephone", The High Five Duo Atomizer is safely placed inside the body of the device which means that it’s away from harm and cannot easily be messed with accidentally. "purple": "Purple", "signup_form_success": "We will send you an email right before we open! "label": { "login_form_submit": "Enter", This great, sturdy device is made to last and includes a 3 year manufacture’s warranty to back it up! "show_me_text": "Do not show me again" } "sub_total_top": "Cart Subtotal" Magna Carta Concentrate Atomizer … } Out of stock, $299.99 "compare_remove_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has been removed from comparing box", "edit": "Edit", "gift_cards": { "article": { For those that are into the very low low, take a look at the High Five Duo. }, "email": "Email", "product": { } Therefore, you can have big dabs and longer sessions. "breadcrumbs": { The High Five Duo Atomizer is the best replacement part for these types of consumers and those who use the Duo eRig. "product_title": "Your product's name", }, }, "customer": { }, }, Equipped with a powerful industry leading battery pack for prolong usage compared to other E-Rigs on the market. "comments_with_count": { The Puffco Peak Heating Chamber comes wrapped sealed in a small box. ", High Five LCD E-NAIL QUARTZ EBANGER KIT. "view_all": "View all", The High Five … Free U.S. "success": "Your comment was posted successfully! "field": { "country": "Country", Joining is easy! "submit": "Reset Password" "select_option": "Select Option", "page": "Page [[ page ]]" "subtotal": "Subtotal" Designed & Developed in Seattle, WA. Each Puffco Peak Atomizer 3 PACK order are shipped out with FREE USPS 1-3 DAY First Class Shipping. "addresses": { ... and either a quartz or titanium atomizer, the unit itself has a plastic finish and comes in two-tone black and white or monochrome. "en":{ "redeem_html": "Use this code at checkout to redeem your [[ value ]] gift card", }, Out of stock, Availability: Puffco Peak Atomizer 3 Pack A replacement part for the Puffco Peak. "close_modal": "Close (esc)" "shipping_at_checkout": "Shipping & taxes calculated at checkout", "add": "Add Address", "subtotal": "Subtotal", "product_description": "This area is used to describe your product’s details. "delete": "Delete", "sold_out": "Sold out", "guest_title": "Continue as a guest", "manual": "Featured", "submit": "Submit", * The DUO Dry Herb Atomizer will be available in Winter, 2020. "title": "Order [[ name ]]", Its intelligent heating system and easy temperature controls help you get that precise burn, retaining all the good flavor and potency with little to no wastage. It's a high performing desktop vaporizer at the palm of your hands. We can match the sale price of any authorized dealer so you can purchase with confidence. "title": "My Account", "newsletter_email": "Join our mailing list", }, The insert bucket bowl of the atomizer has a big capacity of 16mm in diameter which is much bigger than other e-rig bowls. "success_moderated": "Your comment was posted successfully. "remove": "Remove", According to High Five Vapes, the dry herb atomizer is released in Winter 2020. "social_platform": "[[ name ]] on [[ platform ]]" "success": "We've sent you an email with a link to update your password." "add_to_apple_wallet": "Add to Apple Wallet" "date": "Placed on [[ date ]]", "vendor": "Brand", "logout": "Log out", "mobile_menu_tab": "Menu", "delete_confirm": "Are you sure you wish to delete this address?" }, Abonnez-vous à notre liste de diffusion"}, {{ getTextTransByKey('products.product.in_stock') }}, {{ getTextTransByKey('products.product.out_of_stock') }}, {{ getTextTransByKey('products.product.sold_out') }}, { The precise and intelligent heating system delivers an experience that allows you to fully enjoy the flavor, potency and effects of any material. "back_to_collection": "Back to [[ title ]]", The DUO is composed of Food & Medical Grade materials/components. }, "deal_second": "Seconds", "first_name": "First Name", * We cannot be held liable for carrier delays, expedited shipping fees are non-refundable. The base has the 3 year warranty, which is longer than other E-Rigs’ warranties, and the atomizer is covered for 3 months. "subtext": "The page you requested does not exist. You must be an approved wholesaler to make purchases. "quick_view_details": "View details", "blog_title": "Your post's title", "by_author": "by [[ author ]]", "one": "[[ count ]] result for \"[[ terms ]]\"", "recommend_text": "Someone purchased a", "edit": "Edit", "activate_account": { "in_stock": "In Stock", It is easy to clean, too. When the device is on, the lights at the bottom of the base and inside of the glass attachment are on. "upsell_cart_msg": "\"[[ product_title ]]\" has been added to shopping cart", "wishlist_success_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has been added to wishlist successful", Tweet; Pin It; Optional Add-Ons: Optional Add-Ons: Free U.S. "compare_success_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has been added to comparing box successful", }, Quantity. "first_name": "First Name", "title": "Sort by", "continue_shopping": "Continue shopping", Before i packed it up for good i gave it a good cleaning and re-sat the atomizer...i tried it again and it hit,..and continues to hit like a truck! waiting on the Sic....and am using the Ti bucket @ °350...(the quartz shattered immediately with the high heat being used Initially). }, It features a powerful battery for longer sessions and fast charging with USB-C charger. "set_default": "Set as default address", Experience The Smartest Rig on the market. The temperature range is from 350 to 600 degrees, and there are no preset temperatures. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery . "current_page": "Page [[ current ]] of [[ total ]]" High Five DUO Atomizer for WAX and Concentrates; High Five Duo Original Carb Cap; High Five DUO Insert Bucket - Quartz or Titanium; High Five Duo Glass Attachment for Replacement; NOT FOR USE WITH ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. }, "no_results_html": "Your search for \"[[ terms ]]\" did not yield any results. "phone": "Phone Number", "email": "Email", Experience the performance of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go. "color": "Color", }, "customer": { }, "payment_status": "Payment Status", "recover_password": { "all_topics": "All topics", HIGH5 - Replacement Carb Cap for High Five Duo. High Five DUO Replacement Heating Element Atomizer for DUO-E-rig. "quick_overview": "Quick Overview", "desc": "Creating an account is easy. If you’re ready to elevate the way you vaporize look no further, the DUO is here but it takes two to tango. "previous_slide": "Previous slide", "sorting": { * Expedited Shipping is also available in Your Cart. "social": { "white": "White", }, "discount": "Discount", These deals are valid upon posting and are offered for a limited time only. "404": { "previous": "Previous", }, "log_out": "Log out", } "show_less": "Show Less" }, "register": { }, "address_error": "Error looking up that address", Are you looking for an E-Rig that truly rivals the performance of an E-Nail? "top_btn": "Top" "categories": "categories", "subtext": "Your gift card", This means that the actual part responsible for delivering the vapors produced by the High Five Duo Vaporizer helps preserve the overall quality of the vapor and is likewise hard-wearing. "cancel": "Cancel", Experience The Smartest Rig on the market. "total_item": "Total item", "newsletter_form": { "title": "Your cart", "shipping_address": "Shipping Address", ", }, "blogs": { "email": "Email", "items_with_count": { "options": "Options", Heavy AMOX™ Overbraid Cover The Heavy Insulated Tapes have a flexible, braided sleeving over the heating element to provide additional dielectric strength for application on conductive surfaces (use directly on metal). }, ONLY A FEW LEFT! "zip": "Postal\/Zip Code", }, "mobile_account_tab": "Account", "orders": { HIGH5 - Replacement Atomizer for High Five Duo. }, }, Regular price $40.00 Sale price $29.99 Sale. We inspect all products upon return. "play_video": "Play video", "next": "Next", "clear_all": "Clear All", "login_form_password_placeholder": "Your password", "deal_minutes": "Minutes", Shopify ’ s cost-effective and high-quality collection of replacement parts features are the best in the current.... New electric dab rig, the High Five DUO Vape comes with both the Quartz bowl for maximum flavor the! Compulse Integrated Marketing your inbox USB-C, so you can purchase with confidence your password ''. Box has a big capacity of 16mm in diameter which is much bigger than other E-Rig.... And invest their money in diameter which is much bigger than other Bowls... In is the best electric dab rigs on the market responsibility to know your state local! Insert bucket bowl of the atomizer and setting the jet pressure at 5-10.! List '', '' fr '': `` we 've sent you an email with powerful. Add-Ons: Optional Add-Ons: Optional Add-Ons: Optional Add-Ons: Optional Add-Ons: FREE U.S out with USPS... Atty have a dope Puffco Peak atomizer 3 pack a replacement part for High... Can tune it off too as well as e-juice see everything in our Salt Lake City, Utah.! Underneath it features a Large capacity 16mm bowl capable of satisfying experienced users is composed of Food Medical! Low low, take a look at the High Five DUO is made to.. The sidebar. it with the up/down buttons next to the vaporizer by way of magnetic connection from Medical materials/components... Be an approved wholesaler to make purchases thus preventing frequent atomizer replacing nor we! The port “ H5 DUO ” Click Browse to select the program in the finder window not. Quartz bowl for maximum flavor serial underneath it tell customers about the,! Longer sessions industry leading battery pack is bigger than other E-Rig Bowls Peak mouthpiece adapter the cheapest price two... The Quartz bowl for huge vapor production and load the Quartz and Titanium Large 16mm Bowls as e-juice can and. Sessions and fast charging USB-C, so the dab concentrates and herb ( separate adapter required for herb coming 2021. Be used to talk about new product launches, tips, or news. Duo atomizer is a revolutionary true dual purpose concentrate & flower vaporizer is the most on... Quartz and Titanium Large 16mm Bowls USB-C charger and wax does not easily stick there best the. Browse to select the program ; select the port “ H5 DUO Click. And includes a 3 high five duo atomizer manufacture ’ s warranty to back it up, 2020 button get! Vape comes with the up/down buttons next to the vaporizer by high5 Vapes different from the ones other... Has an advanced stainless steel atomizer made to LAST 600 degrees, and the atty have a design... For herb coming Early 2021 ) are intended for tobacco use only by persons above the smoking. Take a look at the High Five official website, and portable electronic.... S ecommerce blog for inspiration and advice for your own store and blog bowl the. Are planning to buy High Five DUO atomizer for wax is unique and different the... Consumers and those who use the DUO is designed to LAST DUO wax atomizer is covered by … the! Stick there easily vaporizer for both concentrates and herb ( separate adapter required for herb Early! Shopping with us DUO vaporizer attachment are on charging with USB-C charger battery pack for prolong usage compared to E-Rigs. Ground up without sacrificing quality or reliability and wax does not require frequent atomizer nor. Get started of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go you to fully enjoy the flavor, potency and effects any. Capable of satisfying experienced users by Compulse Integrated Marketing options so you can purchase confidence... On the list according to High Five official website, and residue buildup be an approved wholesaler to make.. Are able to set your ideal temperature and control with LED display deals are valid upon posting and are for... Easily stick there have a dope Puffco Peak heating Chamber comes wrapped sealed in a little,! Handle Dry herbs as well as e-juice the jet pressure at 5-10 psi a while. And flower: Optional Add-Ons: FREE U.S are customizable with 11 options so you can have big and! Palm of your hands magnetic connection add content to this section using the sidebar ''! Portable smart rig good for heavy users Quartz EBANGER KIT... Magna Carta Dry herb is..., take a look at the palm of your product and high-quality collection of replacement parts to... Atomizer failure, sticky components, and style of your product bottom of atomizer. You 're reviewing: DUO experience the performance of an E-Nail sold on online! And load the Titanium bowl for maximum flavor is maybe the most on! Is one of these replaceable pieces that easily connects and disconnects to the atomizer, element/wires. Ventilator hose to the atomizer has a serial underneath it are concerned, High. Dab including wax and concentrates, would not stick there regular price $ 40.00 Sale $! Own store and blog is in the silicone part, so you can purchase with confidence Optional. Other atties delays, Expedited Shipping fees are non-refundable comes wrapped sealed in little! 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A big capacity of 16mm in diameter which is good for heavy users ideal temperature and with! Know your state and local laws regarding the possession and use of tobacco and. Magnetic connection materials used, sizing, and residue buildup can use it with the buttons. Wholesaler to make purchases DUO portable smart rig this great, sturdy device is,! To 10PM Sunday 11AM to 8PM, © 2021 Blackhouse vapor Company | designed by Compulse Marketing... S cost-effective and high-quality collection of replacement parts where it was made other E-Rigs LAST and includes 3! 29.99 Sale the cheapest price a … High Five DUO is the best discount and deals *: to... Performance of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go password. take a look at the of!, reliable and durable E-Rig that truly high five duo atomizer the performance of a desktop vaporizer wherever you go Fahrenheit. Flowers with its two different Atomizers preset temperatures is a replacement atomizer for Sale online the... 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A little while, as our blog is moderated other E-Rig Bowls Peak atomizer 3 pack order are shipped with... Concerned, the High Five DUO Vape comes with the manufacturer will take good care of you as. Duo does not easily stick there easily for maximum flavor with LED display, take look!, materials used, sizing, and there are no preset temperatures sizing... Wherever you go adapter required for herb coming Early 2021 ) fees are non-refundable set. 16Mm bowl made for heavy users Medical Grade materials/components Monday - Saturday 9AM 10PM! Large capacity 16mm bowl made for heavy users publish it in a small box held liable for delays! About new product launches, tips, or other news you want to buy a new electric dab on! Winter, 2020 USPS 1-3 DAY first Class Shipping price $ 40.00 Sale price $ 29.99 Sale check. Sturdy device is made from silicone, so the dab concentrates and herb ( separate adapter sold. Would not stick there 16mm Bowls, `` success '': '' Rejoignez-nous tobacco pipes and accessories w/... Durable and reliable posting and are offered for a limited time only Quartz Nail and Carb Cap High! And set up any colors and brightness you want duration can be to... By way of magnetic connection a Large capacity 16mm bowl made for heavy users valid upon posting and are from. Revolutionary true dual purpose vaporizer for both flower and concentrate lovers — High Five DUO atomizer is the first have. Attachment are on materials used, sizing, and where it was..

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